Clang Format Notes
The intention is to activate format-on-save in Visual Studio. Either use integration in Visual Studio for format-on-save, or use Clang Power Tools.
Install Clang Power Tools
Install plugin Clang Power Tools Plugin
Install LLVM 15 in Clang Power Tools
The version selected in GUI can be overriden by manually setting the to clang-format Set the path to clang-format in “Custom executable” for Clang Power Tools. clang-format installed by Clang Power Tools will put the executable in path similar to :
GitHub Action
A GitHub Action is running clang-format when changes is pushed to a branch. If clang-format issues are detected, a new PR is created.
clang-format action for ResInsight
Use with PowerShell
If you need to do apply clang format on all files, it is useful to use PowerShell
- Add clang-format to path
$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\vcpackages\"
- Powershell syntax command to apply clang-format on header/cpp files in a folder recursively. Start in ResInsight/ApplicationCode
dir -recurse -include *.cpp,*.h,*.inl | %{clang-format -fallback-style=none -i $_.FullName}