Overview of virtual functions
A PDM object inherits PdmObject which inherits PdmUiObjectHandle. This documents gives an overview of virtual functions that can be overridden with short examples of usage. It is optional to override these functions, and most of them have a default implementation. cafPdmUiObjectHandle()
Used to append menu items to the right click menu of an object. Previous pattern created these menus centralized in RimContextCommandBuilder which will be obsoleted.
void RimPolygon::appendMenuItems( caf::CmdFeatureMenuBuilder& menuBuilder ) const
menuBuilder << "RicDuplicatePolygonFeature";
menuBuilder << "Separator";
menuBuilder << "RicExportPolygonCsvFeature";
If defined, the string defined by this field will be used when displaying object text in the Property Tree.
caf::PdmFieldHandle* RimNamedObject::userDescriptionField()
return nameField();
If defined, displays a checkbox next to the object in the Project Tree. The field must be of the boolean type.
caf::PdmField<bool> m_isActive;
caf::PdmFieldHandle* RimCellFilter::objectToggleField()
return &m_isActive;
Use this method to react on user interaction in the user interface. A pointer to the field being changed, old and new value is available.
void RimPolygon::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue )
if ( changedField == &m_pointsInDomainCoords )
When an object is contained in another object, the changes in the child object cna be tracked using this functions. The pointer to the field in the child object is given as parameter.
void RimPolygonFilter::childFieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedChildField )
When a list of available options is required, calculateValueOptions is used to populate the list with PdmOptionItemInfo. This is done automatically for enums.
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> RimCellFilter::calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions )
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> options;
if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_gridIndex )
RimTools::eclipseGridOptionItems( &options, eclipseCase() );
RimTools::geoMechPartOptionItems( &options, geoMechCase() );
return options;
Defines the order and organization of fields in the Property Editor.
void RimCellFilter::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
uiOrdering.add( &m_name );
auto group = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "General" );
group->add( &m_filterMode );
// Used to skip display of other fields in the object
uiOrdering.skipRemainingFields( true );
Defines the order and organization of objects in the Project Tree.
void RimCompletionTemplateCollection::defineUiTreeOrdering( caf::PdmUiTreeOrdering& uiTreeOrdering, QString uiConfigName /*= ""*/ )
uiTreeOrdering.add( m_valveTemplates );
uiTreeOrdering.add( m_fractureGroupStatisticsCollection );
uiTreeOrdering.skipRemainingChildren( true );
Defines field editor specific configuration. The field editor is displayed in the Property Editor.
void RimEclipsePropertyFilter::defineEditorAttribute( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field, QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
if ( field == &m_lowerBound || field == &m_upperBound )
if ( auto doubleAttributes = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiDoubleSliderEditorAttribute*>( attribute ) )
doubleAttributes->m_minimum = m_minimumResultValue;
doubleAttributes->m_maximum = m_maximumResultValue;
Defines object editor specific configuration. The object editor can be used to manipulate objects from a 3D view.
void RimPolygonInView::defineObjectEditorAttribute( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute* attribute )
if ( auto attrib = dynamic_cast<RicPolyline3dEditorAttribute*>( attribute ) )
attrib->pickEventHandler = m_pickTargetsEventHandler;
attrib->enablePicking = m_enablePicking;
if ( m_polygon() )
if ( auto* treeItemAttribute = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiTreeViewItemAttribute*>( attribute ) )
auto tag = caf::PdmUiTreeViewItemAttribute::createTag( RiaColorTools::toQColor( m_polygon->color() ),
RiuGuiTheme::getColorByVariableName( "backgroundColor1" ),
"---" );
tag->clicked.connect( m_polygon(), &RimPolygon::onColorTagClicked );
treeItemAttribute->tags.push_back( std::move( tag ) );
Defines a custom menu when a right-click menu is displayed when editing a field. This feature must be activated on the field.
// Activate the custom context menu
m_targets.uiCapability()->setCustomContextMenuEnabled( true );
void RimPolygonInView::defineCustomContextMenu( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingMenu, QMenu* menu, QWidget* fieldEditorWidget )
if ( m_polygon() && m_polygon->isReadOnly() ) return;
caf::CmdFeatureMenuBuilder menuBuilder;
menuBuilder << "RicNewPolylineTargetFeature";
menuBuilder << "Separator";
menuBuilder << "RicDeletePolylineTargetFeature";
menuBuilder.appendToMenu( menu );