For enhanced interaction and debugging functionality of python code, the IDE Visual Studio Code can be utilized.
Python code is found in folder \gitroot\ResInsight\GrpcInterface\Python\rips
. The rips
library code represents the Python API for interaction with ResInsight, contianing both source code and tests. The Python API is developed by use of gRPC
and provides provedure calls from Python to ResInsight C++ code.
To modify and test the Python API, an instance of ResInsight can be built and runned locally (e.g. using Visual Studio
) or by running a released version from
Setting up virtual environment
The rips
code can be run by creating a virtual environment, installing the rips
package into the virtual environment.
Using venv
for Python and a local folder named "ResInsightPythonScripts"
, the venv and python files
can be set up to test the rips
With the following steps, the rips package is available in the venv named ResInsightVenv
. A python file can be created, and usage of rips
package can be
tested in the venv.
Note: If any missing packages occur, these can be installed in the venv using pip.
For Windows
With a local folder D:\ResInsight Python Scripts
for venv and scripts.
D:\ResInsightPythonScripts>python -m venv .ResInsightVenv
(.ResInsightVenv) D:\Git\ResInsight>
# Navigate to ResInsight Python folder and pip install the rips package in venv
(.ResInsightVenv) D:\ResInsightPythonScripts>cd ..\Git\ResInsight\GrpcInterface\Python
(.ResInsightVenv) D:\Git\ResInsight\GrpcInterface\Python>pip3 install -e .
# Navigate back to script folder
(.ResInsightVenv) D:\Git\ResInsight\GrpcInterface\Python>cd D:\ResInsightPythonScripts
For Ubuntu
The same steps can be done for Ubutu, providing the same folder, venv and rips
package install. VS Code can be utilized (for WSL distro if used from Windows) as for Windows in the "Run and debug scripts"
-section below.
sudo apt install python3-venv
source .ResInsightVenv/bin/activate
Run and debug scripts
Open VS Code and select "Open Folder..."
. Navigate to the "ResInsightPythonScripts"
With a running instance of ResInsight (with gRPC build), the virtual environment, with installed rips
, must be activated, and the Python API (gRPC interface) can be tested.
Select virtual evnironment
Pushing F1
and write "Python: Select Interpreter"
, then navigate to the virtual environment create in previous stage.
Create python script
Create a file for testing rips
package with a test file
. The file can be run by python .\
, or by using Debug Python code in Visual Studio Code.
A debugger for Python File can be customized by selecting
"create a launch.json file"
, and select"Python File"
among Debug Configuration options: -
With a customized debugger, the test file can then be debugged with breakpoints in VS Code: