Custom Context Menu

System documentation for ResInsight

Context Menu

Context menus can be customized both from by right-click on an object in the project tree, right-click on a widget and right-click in the 3D view.

Custom Context Menu on a widget

The easiest pattern to enable and configure a context menu on a widget is to use RiuContextMenuLauncher

See example of use in RimVfpPlot::doCreatePlotViewWidget

    QWidget plotWidget = new QWidget;

    caf::CmdFeatureMenuBuilder menuBuilder;
    menuBuilder << "RicShowPlotDataFeature";
    new RiuContextMenuLauncher( plotWidget, menuBuilder );

An alternative approach is to override the virtual function contextMenuEvent. This approach can be useful if more logic is required to create the context menu

Custom Context Menu in project tree

caf::PdmChildArrayField<RicCreateMultipleFracturesOptionItemUi*> m_options;


CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault(&m_options, "Options", "Options", "", "", "");


void RiuCreateMultipleFractionsUi::defineCustomContextMenu(const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingMenu,
                                                       QMenu*                     menu,
                                                       QWidget*                   fieldEditorWidget)
    // Make sure selection manager is set up correctly
    // ...
    // then

    caf::CmdFeatureMenuBuilder menuBuilder;

    menuBuilder << "RicMyFeature";
    menuBuilder << "Separator";


Context Menu in 3D views

When a command is supposed to be available in the 3D view in addition to right-clicking on objects in the Property Editor, the following pattern can be used. This allows the use of a feature from both Property Editor and 3D views at the same time. Usually, the current context widget should be investigated first before checking the currently selected object.

  • Before the construction of items to be used in a menu, set the current context menu widget
  • Add menu items and show the menu
  • In the feature triggered, use the current context menu widget to find the relevant object to work on

Example taken from RicExportContourMapToTextFeature

RimEclipseContourMapView* existingEclipseContourMap = nullptr;
RimGeoMechContourMapView* existingGeoMechContourMap = nullptr;

auto contextMenuWidget = dynamic_cast<RiuViewer*>(
    caf::CmdFeatureManager::instance()->currentContextMenuTargetWidget() );

if ( contextMenuWidget )
        auto candidate = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseContourMapView*>( contextMenuWidget->ownerReservoirView() );
        if ( candidate )
            existingEclipseContourMap = candidate;
        auto candidate = dynamic_cast<RimGeoMechContourMapView*>( contextMenuWidget->ownerReservoirView() );
        if ( candidate )
            existingGeoMechContourMap = candidate;

if ( !existingEclipseContourMap && !existingGeoMechContourMap )
    existingEclipseContourMap = caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItemOfType<RimEclipseContourMapView>();
    existingGeoMechContourMap = caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItemOfType<RimGeoMechContourMapView>();

auto pair = std::make_pair( existingEclipseContourMap, existingGeoMechContourMap );

return pair;